This article will show you how to utilize the new user interface for the Delivery management Section as a fast, user-friendly new design.
In the sidebar, click delivery management.
The map for the delivery zone will appear in the middle of the page
On the right corner will appear the list of ( delivery zone, branch names, zonecolor)
Create & Edit Zones
To create a delivery zone click on the + sign, and a new menu will appear
Please note that selecting a branch to your zone is mandatory
Insert the zone name, select branch, zone , color.
The number for the new zone is 553 because there is already 552, however, you can insert a customized name
You can choose either AREA or RADIUS
Here, you have chosen AREA
Here, you have chosen RADIUS
You can choose the color
The zone has been created successfully.
Click on the edit sign to edit pen the delivery zone
Set the priority to each delivery zone
In the screenshot below : Number 1 means that the area is 1st priority. Number 2 is 2nd priority, etc.
Just drag the zones up/ down using the highlighted parts in the screenshot to exchange priority.
When active zones overlap, then active zone with highest priority, and active branch will be used.
Example : Zone A and Zone B overlap each other Zone A has fist priority but its branch is busy/ disabled Zone B has second priority but its branch is active Eventually, zone B will have the 1st priority because of its active branch
Disable a delivery zone
You Can also rearrange the zone by deleting the old one on the map here
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Go to settings Choose TakerGo Order Status: If order status is accepted : Order will reach TakerGo delivery service Yallow API key : If you have integration with Yallow company to manage your delivery orders
Staff will receive an audial and visual notification immediately when a new order appears in the orders list Notification colors Blue: new order is created Red : Driver for delivery is not found Green: Customer arrived for curbside pickup Orange : If ...
TakerGo TakerGo is one of the smart delivery solutions provided by Taker . This service links your business & restaurant with the most effective and reliable delivery companies, so you can deliver the orders, regardless of their number, to provide a ...