Website Contact

Website Contact

Go to settings 
Here you can add website info, name ,etc. 
App and social network links. 

    • Related Articles

    • Website Info

      In this section you can add more information about your website About - Terms & Conditions - Privacy Policy- Contact Us - Manage FAQs -Cookies
    • Website Images

      Go to settings Logo for the website header Banner Max size 2 MB Format jpg, jpeg, png Recommended size : 1420*520 px Download app banner icon Logo for website footer Favicon
    • Website Colors

      Go to settings Header background 1 خلفية الترويسة 1 Header background 2 خلفية الترويسة 2 Header Plane Text نص الترويسة Header - selected background الترويسة - الخلفية المحددة Header - selected background text الترويسة - لون النص المحدد ...
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      Google Maps Error Messages usually occur for one of these reasons The credit card in the Google Maps account has been removed Card expired or any card-related issue Your free trial in Google Maps ended, and most probably Google sent you an email for ...
    • Mobile App Colors

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