Add an image to your item
Availability : Item available or not ( disabling it will hide the item from the menu)
In Stock : The below image will be displayed if item out of stock

Order Type : You can choose to include this item for delivery orders only, pickup order only ,
dinning in.
Item Name : Add the name in English & Arabic language
Description: Add the Description in English & Arabic language
Category : Select the category to which this item belongs.
Minimum order quantity: If it's 2, then customer have to buy at least two from this item to make an order.
Sorting : Arranging the items in the category to appear first or at the end.
External ID ( optional ) if are integrated with another system and wishes to define the category with an external ID
Allergens : select allergens from the list

Only for Combo : This option allow the item to be sold only as a part of combo meal. Use sizes : If your item has sizes

Portion : If your item has no sizes.
Add modifier or exclusion
Modifiers mean that your customer wants to add extra ( sauce, salad, onion, etc. )
Exclusions mean that your customer doesn’t want this product in their meal
for example without onion, sauce, etc.

Apply this price as default modifier price to all branches
Use this option to apple the default price to all branches

Apply options availability to all branches
Enable to disable modifier options to all branches